The One With OTP but fake

The One With OTP but fake

Published October 15, 2023
Last Updated
Last updated October 15, 2023

Chapter 1 : Real Eyes

So the first step is to thoroughly examine the contract, just as you would explore your girl.
We Used 👇
byt3code uses the eth_getCode method of the RPC API to fetch the ByteCode of the ContractAddress. It then decodes the bytecode into a readable format using You can explore byt3code source code at our GH page 😇

Chapter 2 : Realize

We read whole contract from here and differentiate the functions.

List of Basic Functions :

  • name()
  • approve(address,uint256)
  • totalSupply()
  • transferFrom(address,address,uint256) & transfer(address,uint256)
  • decimals()
  • balanceOf(address)
  • renounceOwnership()
  • owner()
  • burn(uint256) & burnFrom(address,uint256)
  • increaseAllowance(address,uint256) & decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) & allowance(address,address)
  • transferOwnership(address) & renounceOwnership()

We notice 3 Abnormal Functions

  • 0xb5095168
  • 0xd760dc8b
  • 0x3148f14f
function 0xb5095168() public payable { return stor_9; } // 0xb5095168 is returning stor_9 value.
function 0x3148f14f(uint256 varg0, uint256 varg1, uint256 varg2) public payable { require(4 + ( - 4) - 4 >= 96); require(varg0 == varg0); require(varg1 == varg1); require(varg2 == varg2); MEM[MEM[64] + 96] = varg0; v0 = bigModExp(32, 32, v1, v1, varg1, varg2); require(v0); return MEM[MEM[192]]; } // the function 0x3148f14f is returning the result stored in MEM[MEM[192]]
function 0xd760dc8b(uint256 varg0) public payable { require(4 + ( - 4) - 4 >= 32); require(varg0 == varg0); MEM[MEM[64] + 96] = stor_6; v0 = bigModExp(32, 32, v1, v1, stor_9, stor_8); require(v0); if (!(MEM[MEM[192]] - varg0)) { require(stor_7, Panic(18)); // division by zero stor_9 = keccak256(block.difficulty, block.timestamp) % stor_7; v2 = _SafeExp(10, uint8(18), uint256.max); require(!0x1 | (v2 == v2), Panic(17)); // arithmetic overflow or underflow require(msg.sender - address(0x0), Error('ERC20: mint to the zero address')); v3 = _SafeAdd(_totalSupply, v2); _totalSupply = v3; v4 = _SafeAdd(_balanceOf[msg.sender], v2); _balanceOf[msg.sender] = v4; emit Transfer(address(0x0), msg.sender, v2); } } // this function requires one uint256 valid OTP. it will mint one OTPF token. // we can see in function 0x3148f14f MEM[MEM[64] + 96] = varg0; and it is retrning MEM[MEM[64] + 96] // so we have to generate otp by providing three values to function 0x3148f14f // Namely : stor_6, stor_9, stor_8 // by looking at this function we can say stor_9 value is dynamic and changes after one time mint.
We can see below line from function 0x3148f14f.
v0 = bigModExp(32, 32, v1, v1, stor_9, stor_8);
Now, we know varg1 and varg2 are stor_9and stor_8 in function 0x3148f14f
By looking at code, Function 0xd760dc8b MEM[MEM[64] + 96] = stor_6 & Function 0x3148f14f MEM[MEM[64] + 96] = varg0 So by comparing both line we can say varg0 = stor_6

Chapter 3 : Real Lies

By looking at code, we can see
uint256 stor_6; // STORAGE[0x6] uint256 stor_8; // STORAGE[0x8] uint256 stor_9; // STORAGE[0x9]
  • Step 2: Call 0x3148f14f(stor_6, stor_9, stor_8) to generate OTP.
  • Step 3: Call 0xd760dc8b(OTP) to create Mint Transaction !

Step 1 : Getting Values

from web3 import Web3 from web3.middleware import construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware from eth_account import Account RPC = "" TARGET = "0x3815D67214216EC3683652c6f1DA4fD99F677d0b" w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(RPC)) six = w3.eth.get_storage_at(TARGET, 0x6) eight = w3.eth.get_storage_at(TARGET, 0x8) nine = w3.eth.get_storage_at(TARGET, 0x9) call_data = six.hex()[2:] + nine.hex()[2:] + eight.hex()[2:]
Note: [2:} removes ‘0x’ from starting of each result.

Step 2 : Getting OTP

# continuation for step 1. call_data = six.hex()[2:] + nine.hex()[2:] + eight.hex()[2:] otp ={"value": 0, "to": TARGET, "data": "0x3148f14f" + call_data})

Step 3 : Creating Mint

private_key = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # replace me account = Account.from_key(private_key) w3.middleware_onion.add(construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware(account)) mint_call_data = "0xd760dc8b" + otp.hex()[2:] txn = w3.eth.send_transaction({"from": account.address, "value": 0, "to": TARGET, "data": mint_call_data}) print(f"created transaction : txn.hex()")
Hope we atleast pointed you to right direction.